Saturday, July 22, 2006

November 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Back at KC

Hello everyone,

Sorry! Another late entry… this is really beginning to look like a trend… ugg!

I had a wonderful week at home!!! I LOVED it!

Last time I left you when I got home, and I think I told you that I went with Omer to see Harry Potter 4 (which I enjoyed very much).

My Wednesday morning started with Midnight coming up to my bed at 6am and asking me to let him out. Later on during the day, I took ‘Shooloo’ (Midnight) on a Teeyool (walk). He just loved it—we walked through the ‘Village’ next to our house. Midi got all of the dogs barking. They barked in one yard and then the neighbor’s dog heard it and started barking too, and on and on. During the early part of the afternoon, dad and I went shopping for a few last ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner. I love shopping with dad!

Thursday, mom and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner. We made our rendition of a turkey (we made chicken), amazing mashed potatoes, Banana’s grandmother’s secrete cranberry-sauce recipe (not a secrete any more…), Broccoli, Matzo ball soup, and loads of other stuff that I don’t quite remember. In anycase, the table was full and beautiful at the end! When Omer came back from work (he had to do that instead of help cook the dinner), we all sat together and had a wonderful time! Even Midi got to enjoy—he ate a bit of chicken and was in 7th heaven.

Friday, mom and I got me some new scrubs, and visited the Hallmark store to look for some birds (for the window above the fireplace). We found a neat collection of birds drinking from a pretend fountain, which were very cute.

Somewhere in the middle we cleaned the house real good… not sure exactly when.

Everyday up to Saturday Midi got a nice walk in the morning, but on Saturday, he got a nice walk during noon time… I slept in until 10am :o)

That’s it… after spending much needed time with mom, dad, Omer and Midi, I had to fly back here to Kansas City. Again, thank goodness to the cats, because I really didn’t want to leave my family.

On the flight home, I met Michelle (one of my Arizona friends who also go to KCUMB), and we got to talk a bit. This time I didn’t have a kid sitting next to me… so I got to read a whole lot.

On Sunday I had loads of stuff to do… I bought food, got caught up with school, and played with the furry trouble makers!

Monday was great… we only had online presentation and then 2 pathologies and a micro lab. Nice and easy.

Today (Tuesday) we had 2 internal medicines, physiology and a radiology class. Then we had path lab. I tutored during the morning and during the afternoon. Then at night time, my friend Keith and I went out for dinner, coffee and studying. It was very fun.

OH! The other thing I did today… I saved another cat from the cold Midwest weather! My friend Melissa was standing outside, when a cat came to her and tried to rub at her feet. She is allergic to cats, so she came into class and asked me to go catch it. I went out but couldn’t find it. After an hour of class we went back outside, and she showed me where the cat was at last. We couldn’t find it anywhere. Then we thought that perhaps he went down the storm drain—so I laid on the pavement and looked down—called it a few times, but nothing. Then I went to the other side of the street and looked down. Nothing. So I called it a few times, and then I heard it meow back at me. It came up, and of course, ran straight to Melissa with the allergies. I grabbed it and brought it inside.

Once inside, the cat started to freak out, and jumped out of my hands and started running in the first floor. After talking calmly to it, I caught it again and brought it up to the 4th floor to awesome Dr. Cole who took the stray straight to the vets…

So the only thing we got to do now is find it a home…

That’s really all about it, I have got to go to bed,

Much love,

30 nov 05 @ 12:43 am

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I'm home!!!

Hello hello!

Well, another late posting (I’m starting to become a procrastinator or something… ugg!)

At the moment, I am sitting at my home and Arizona, and just enjoying being with my family. This past week (or I suppose, last week) was a little hectic, but it is all the past now, and all is left is to enjoy this holiday :o)

Monday of last week was a decent day—in the morning we started late due to some independent study and “case of the week” which I have already finished. We had 2 physiologies followed by biochemistry lab. This was the “pee-lab”, where we learned how to test urine. It was really fun, and I truly enjoyed it! After the lab I think we had path lab, but I am not 100% sure…

Tuesday was a bit hard: pathology first thing in the morning, two microbiologies and a pharmacology. I absolutely loved this pharm—all about medicine for urinary tract infections. It was not overly difficult, and I just had fun with it. During the afternoon, Tala and I conquered biostatistics.

Wednesday was Score One for Health all morning long. This time I was in the blood pressure station. It was quite boring, but that’s alright… I got to do plenty of physicals before, and it was my turn to enjoy blood pressure.

Thursday was quite interesting—2 pediatrics, family medicine and surgery. That afternoon it was biostatistics once again. Friday was also short—internal medicine, pathology and surgery.

In anycase, during the weekend, Tala and I studied hard and were prepared to take the quiz on Monday morning. By that afternoon I was going crazy! I couldn’t wait to fly home, and so I bid goodbye to my little fur balls—made sure they had enough food and water for a day (to last them until my friend made it there the next day), gave them many smooches, and drove to the airport an hour early :o)

The flight was neat—I was sitting next to a 20 year old with a 2 year old child. I had a great time playing with the little kiddo, and I think that lady was happy she had me as ‘the person in the next seat over’—she got a tiny bit of a rest.

Then, finally finally I got home! Mom, Dad and Midnight all came to pick me up from the airport. I got home and had a wonderful dinner with them. Then today (Monday), Omer called early in the morning and told me he is skipping a class in order to come see a movie with me. We watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire together, and it was just so much darker than I imagined it in my own head. They did a decent job with the movie!

That’s about it for now,

I’ll write a tad more at the end of the week.

Love to you all, and to all
Happy Thanksgiving!

22 nov 05 @ 11:34 pm

Monday, November 14, 2005
Miracles do happen

Hello everyone,

Last time I wrote I was in a pretty crappy mood—mainly because I was tired from the delay in the flight, but mostly because really missed home. Well… this time around this entry will be influenced by happiness!

First of all, renal is cool! As much as I thought I was disliking it during the first 3 or 4 days, this weekend, when I was reviewing everything, things started to click, and it all became like a game. It is definitely nicer.

But first thing ‘s first, Monday morning… Oh man, I was in a really grouchy mood. Getting only 3 hours of sleep after that delayed flight was not enough. I was planning on missing the first lecture in order to sleep a tiny bit more, but I forgot to re-set my alarm clock, and so it happened that I woke up for the first lecture, which was only an introduction to the section plus administrative stuff.

The first real lecture though was an hour later with 2 histologies, and a physiology. Ugg… physiology was not pretty. We have a different professor than Dr. K, and… well… I really like learning from Dr. K, so it is hard to get used to a new person. In anycase, that afternoon we had path lab and an anatomy thing on the computer. Not a big deal, but I was really tired and missed everyone.

My friends decided that we need to work on path during lunch time—it is totally cool, but during that sleep-deprived Monday I was not too happy to review the material. Oh well…

Tuesday we had 2 hours of physiology, a sexual development in the male and ethics in health care policy (with an amazing speaker). Path during lunch, and then… a miracle (for me at least)à I’ll tell you about it after I finish my review of the week.

Wednesday morning was devoted to boundary setting with patients—a nice presentation, then 2 physiology, sexual development and hooray for score 1 for health!!! This time I didn’t find anything too interesting, but I had a really great time.

Thursday was all about finishing physiology, then a short biochem lecture and then a histology of male reproductive system. Quite interesting! Then we had End of life lab—I had Dr. McCandless (the daughter)—she has to be one of my favorite people I enjoy listening to. She always has pearls to pass on, and is just compassionate and… I have just nice things to say about her—I hope that she always keep working with our school.

Friday was great—just a histology class and an inter departmental conference. Nice and easy!

This whole weekend was devoted to studying, catching up and playing with the cats—I did a whole lot, but worked a tad too slow for my taste. Oh well…

So… you read all the way down to the end of the entry, and you want to hear about my miracle…

Well—two amazing friends— my angels, got me a way to fly home for thanksgiving. They have requested not to let the whole world know who they are, but I’ll just let you know that in about 8 days I will be with my family for five whole days, and this has to be the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I am not even sure how I can thank them for this, but I will somehow.

They are just wonderful

And that’s all I have to say—

Well, love and kisses from here—I will write next week, right before my quiz.

Loads of kisses,


OHHH! I forgot one important thing! The match results are here—I will be in… New Jersey next year!!! Wow, what a change!
14 nov 05 @ 1:04 am

Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Late post-- sorry!

Hello family and friends

This one is a really late entry…

I’ll start with last Monday and try to catch up. I got to school pretty early in the morning (7:30AM), and was so excited to have a nice Halloween breakfast that student affairs has put on—yummy bagels and muffins!!! I don’t quite remember what we had that day, but in all reality, I just was so excited that at the end of the week I was going to fly home!!!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were devoted for studying… nothing major. I was excited to be done with ‘mind’ This was not my favorite section.

Friday morning I had the final examination, which I hope I did well on… In the middle of the exam I did the mistake of thinking : “in about 3 hours I’m going to be on my way to the airport!!!”… after thinking that I couldn’t quite concentrate on the exam. Oh well.

In anycase, finally finally the final was over, and I came home, cleaned the house, talked to Katie one last time about everything with the cats, and then I went downstairs and waited for Matt and Erica to show up. When the did, we all got in the car, and I was SO excited to be driving to the airport!!! I just couldn’t wait!

In any case, the flight home was fine—I got loads of sleep. When I got to Sky Harbour, I met Erica’s parents, and than I went outside to wait for Omer. It was SOOOOO nice to be back home.

So home update—I had a wonderful time, and really really didn’t want to come back to Kansas City. It was nice just being there with mom, dad, Omer and Midi. We somehow managed to watch a movie—“Dreamer” it was quite cute.

On Sunday I had to leave, and got to the airport. My flight was delayed, and then right before we boarder the plane, we had maintenance problems, and so the delayed it more. All in all, we left when we were suppose to have landed… we got here at 1:40AM, and we made it home at around 2:45. Needless to say that today (Monday) I was really tired… definitely not a way to start renal.

Loads of kisses to all, this was just a short update—so sorry for not have written earlier.


8 nov 05 @ 12:37 am


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