The night before Rotations

Hello everyone!
I didn’t write for quite a while… but I was quite busy during the past week and a half :o)
I flew home to Arizona! I had such a wonderful time. I really missed everyone and it was a much needed visit.
During the time at home I rested a whole lot, played with Midnight and Sancho, Cooked with mom, attempted to help with dad’s projects, but didn’t really get to do it, and had fun with Omer.
Everything was well until Wednesday of last week… on that day, dad went on a walk with Midi and Sancho, and during the trip, Sancho’s old owner saw sancho and with tears in his eyes and excitement started saying: “Peppito! Peppito!” Sancho was very excited to see Ramondo (his previous owners) and dad didn’t have a choice and had to give Sancho back :o( All of us were crying. We got attached to the little dog! He was truly a unique dog and no other dog will be the same. So… Sancho went back to live on the ranch with the horses… He was excited but kind of confused. I think he might just miss us.
Anyhow, I nagged mom and dad to look at other dogs. I did this mainly because I thought that another dog might fill the hole that was created. We looked at Nessi, Mickey, Rodney, Midnightah (a girl dog who looked just like Midnight), Chocko and lastly Camile.
Much to my surprise Mom and dad decided to get Camile, and so now she is at our house with her new name of Daisy… She is much taller than Sancho, and very scared. During the time I was home, she opened up just a tiny bit and for a moment we saw the real dog who is hiding inside… I just talked to dad today, and he said that she is feeling much more secure now and is working on opening up (and eating the furniture…)
Well… that’s the home adventures.
I came back to NJ on a red eye flight and landed at 5:15am Monday morning. The flight was disgusting, but I’ll spare you the details. I thought I was going to make it through the day, but I fell asleep for a few hours, which was good. For the rest of yesterday, I was walking around feeling very nervous about the beginning of rotations. It’s a big change, and I am both excited and nervous at the same time.
Well, today (Tuesday) we had an orientation which lasted most of the day. It was important to go through the paper work. The best part about today was seeing all of my friends from school! Tomorrow morning I will be starting at the psychiatry rotation—I will be very glad to have that first day over with!
Lastly, big news—I passed the COMLEX! It’s nice to be completely done with it!

Dad with Sanchito about a month ago...

The newest addition to the family-- Daisy
The forests are the "lungs of the earth." They respire oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide; they also build soil, absorb moisture and translate sunlight into biomass more efficiently than any other ecosystem on earth.
In the Temperate Zone forests, whole fisheries have been destroyed when logging, especially clear-cut logging takes place. Without the trees, erosion soon begins to change the chemical and particulate composition of the water. Migrating salmon for example require small gravel in the streambed for their spawning. The gravel must be just the right size relative to their eggs so the eggs will be protected from predators. It must be porous enough so that the fry, when they hatch, can escape. When silt covers the gravel, the fish eggs die, fisheries are destroyed, the habitat of the aquatic plants is impaired and water supplies are degraded.
Dead Forests --> Dead Rivers
Forests have a great effect on rainfall. They actually create rain. Trees send a huge volume of moisture into the atmosphere. One medium sized, ordinary elm tree will transpire 15,000 pounds of water on a clear, hot, dry, day.
Deforestation --> Desertification
Do you know that weird guy above?
Anyway, I never got your new e-mail, your earthlink one is broken now. Please let me know what it is.
Also my language site is up, might help you with your Spanish:
Take care!
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