Boredom does not suit me well...

Hello everyone!
Wow… you wouldn’t believe how bored I got here this week!!! I have not been bored in more than three or four years… this was definitely not welcomed by myself, and I did all I could to cope with it :o)
On Monday morning I woke up fairly early and had to give R. who is our contact person for the hospital some paperwork. So I drove over there and started looking for her. I ended up finding her without any trouble and she was very surprised I came in person instead of mailing it… Well, in all honesty at that point I still didn’t know where the mail drop box was, and so it was easier to drive it there.
Then I came back home and I had nothing to do. OH NO!!! I sat here for about an hour contemplating what to do, and then I decided that on my small vacation I deserve to watch some movies on my computer DVD. Aha! I knew where blockbuster was, I saw it a few days prior when Omer was still here, and so I drove there. EWWW that blockbuster complex smells like very bad men’s cologne. Blah!!! In any case I plug my nose and moved in and then ended up watching many movies this week:
-Mean girls (because Omer told me it’s funny)
Bridget Jones’s Diary 2 (because I wanted to see it when it came out to the theatre, but I had school)
-Pride and Prejudice (The new version… very lovely!)
-Unfinished life (Was recommended to me by Dorothy, I think. It was okay)
-Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio (I really liked it!)
-On a Clear Day (not the Barbra Streisand version, a new completely different story—very fun!)
-The Christmas with the Kranks (so-so, I got annoyed with it)
-The producers (will see it today before noon)
Don’t worry, I didn’t see them all at once, but this is still a major amount of movies to have watched in one week… probably more than all the movies I watched this whole year total!
On Tuesday afternoon I completed the damage report to the apartment, and brought it to the office—they told me they’ll fix most of it on Friday. That day, Lori called me and told me she was going to be in Wayne NJ on Wednesday and Thursday, and if I was interested in driving there to see them. Well, originally I refused, because I really didn’t want to get lost trying to get there, but after a little thought about the matter I realized that I might just die of boredom, and that getting lost while driving to see my good friend was a good activity!
And so on Thursday morning (very, very early) I left and drove. When I plotted the map the previous day, I didn’t realize I’ll be driving through Newark, and so when I started going through the city my first thought was… “Oh no! I DON’T want to get lost in NYC!” But I didn’t! Surprisingly, I made it all the way to the hotel without a hitch. When I thought I got lost I called them, only to divert my eyes to the left and realize that their hotel was right next to the place I parked at!
Seeing Lori and her dad was so much fun!

On Friday I talked to my folks, and we decided I had to come home. I was worried about not finding a sitter or a kennel for my cats (because the end of my time there would be a holiday weekend (Labor Day)) but we decided to buy the tickets and just look for a sitter later.
In any case, the whole of yesterday I was calling around to different cat-sitters and different kennels. I still haven’t managed to talk to too many of them, but got a great recommendation by the local vet and so I hope these two sisters will reply to me today (I both left a message and wrote an email to them)… I really want to go home, but I must have someone to watch over my babies, and it would be so much better if they could stay at home instead of sit in a cage for a week!
Today (Saturday) started fairly early when KC nibbled on my toes telling me it’s time to feed them… so I have and since then I’ve been doing laundry, loading the dishwasher, and getting ready to watch the last movie I have, and then… Well… I’ve decided I needed to study a bit. As I’m starting with Psych, I’ll start reading this material.
Well, off I go!
PS-- I now know where the mail drop box is...
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