Saturday, July 22, 2006

May 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
not much...

Really… not much to tell… :o) I’ve been reviewing for the boards, doing a whole lot of questions and just wanting to be done with it already.

Exciting news though! I found an apartment to live in next year!!! Hurrah! Well… actually, my friends found it, and after realizing that 3 of my classmates will be living there, I just said: “well, I’ll just cancel my flight to NJ next month and rent in this place too”. This is the right thing, and I am very happy I decided to do it.

The weather has been… disgusting… it is really humid. It’s not too hot, but I am just not used to the humidity. It wasn’t this humid during the winter, or at least, it didn’t cause me to sweat all the time. My solution: shower!

My cats are doing great! KC decided that he must wake me up every morning at 6:30. He stands on my belly and stares at me until I have no choice, but to wake up and ‘entertain’ them. For the most part, I have been turning the alarm off good 10 minutes before it was suppose to go off… It’s a good thing that in the wintertime, when the outside is so dark, both of my cats enjoy sleeping.

Well gang, my life is boring… I’ll write some more later,

Many hugs and kisses,

24 may 06 @ 6:45 pm

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Board review...
05-09-06--> 05-16-06

Hello-Hello everyone!

I am officially done with 2nd year now. The only thing that is left is the summer session, and I am not including it in 2nd year academic material, rather… an ‘in-between period.’

The theme of the past week has been—“review for boards”… I am enrolled in a Kaplan class, and in about an hour we will start our last subject with them: Pharmacology. We have just finished pathology and OMT, and I am so excited to move on to pharmacology. More than anything I am ready to review the information by myself! I think a more accurate explanation is that I am ready to be done with it all together…

In any case, in addition to all the studying, I have been a tad under the weather. I got this cold and I am trying to get rid of it. I am feeling much better this morning, and am very much hoping I am done with this gunk!

Sometimes last week I received my schedule for next year: Psychiatry, two blocks of Family medicine, specialized surgery, OBGYN, Pediatrics, two blocks of internal medicine, General surgery and an elective. I am SO excited! This is going to be an interesting experience.

KC and Vega have been doing great. They are both running around chasing one another at the moment, and they have been doing just that for about 3 days straight now…

This is a shorty, as I need to run to school.

Many kisses,

16 may 06 @ 7:07 am

Tuesday, May 9, 2006
'Integrative' is over!

Hello everyone!

I am finally done with the last section of the year. I am so tired!

So, since the last time I wrote, we have finished integrative. Yesterday we were tested over the material, and I can definitely say that I have gotten better at micro, but need to keep working at pharmacology.

Before I forget, I have to tell you about something in score 1 that I enjoyed—a week and a half ago, we were in the middle of performing physical at one of the inner city schools. Everything was organized, until all of the sudden one of the kids started to run around from medical student to medical student and grabbed medical equipment, gloves, alcohol pads—everything basically. Everyone were shooing him off, and his teacher wasn’t anywhere around. I was in the middle of a physical on a little girl, and I saw that the kid was heading towards my table. I turned over and said hi to him, and he started grabbing stuff. I told him that instead of taking my stuff, he should be my assistant, and practice on becoming a doctor… his eyes twinkled, and this huge toothless smile came out and he said with much enthusiasm: “YES!”. So I told him doctors don’t take each other medical equipment, and that I would give him his own ‘tools’. He got so excited, and waited patiently for me to set it up. I gave him a pair of gloves and a tongue depressor. Then I had him ask the little girl to “Open up your mouth and say: ahhh” and so he did, and she followed, and I looked in her throat. Then I had him shine the light and look at her throat. Then we continued like this until I was done with the physical. That kid was so excited at the end and kept saying: “Thank you! thank you! I am a doctor!” The little girl was also very amused by the whole thing and she asked me to also look in her friend’s throat. All in all, I was reminded of how much I enjoyed working with the kids, and that we can’t forget to have some fun!

So… after the exam yesterday, I went out to eat with a few of my friends, and then went shopping, came back and cleaned my very messy apartment! I was SO happy to have time to clean it.

Today I have off, so I am working on scholarship essays—I have to write one and then write a thank you letter for a school scholarship I received a few weeks ago. The rest of this week I have Kaplan and then it is just board studying until the 5th and the 12th.

That’s about it from here,

Many kisses from me, Vega and KC…

9 may 06 @ 9:34 am


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