Saturday, July 22, 2006

April 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006 tired...

Hello to all,

Wow, what a week… Last Sunday I came back to Kansas City—the weather here was quite sticky. Can you believe it? Phoenix had cooler temperature than they did here. That’s okay though, the weather has been a little bet cooler in the past few days.

So, back to the week—we started “integrative” which is basically a section that is for all intent and purposes acting as a board review course. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we had Pharm, path, anatomy,and immuno—I’ve been working on Pharmacology, and it is still difficult. Then on Wednesday we had Score one for Health—remember? This is our health screening for the children. I was suppose to man the blood pressure station, but the nurse students that were there took care of it, so we enjoyed doing physicals instead! I didn’t find anything unique or interesting. With the exception of a few red throats and runny noses, the kids were fine. Wednesday afternoon was filled with class, and on Thursday we had pharm again. On Friday we changed gears and had physiology classes.

On Friday afternoon I donated blood—I enjoy doing it. One of the workers had a great idea for Ad campaign for blood donation: “Will donate for ‘Nutter-Butter’ ” :o) For those of you who don’t know, Nutter-Butter is delicious cookies that are normally set out for all those who have donated blood. YUM!

After this, I went and visited our academic counselor and asked for help in creating my board schedule. He explained to me the basics. Basically, you write out all of the testable subjects, and then you rate them from 1-5 on your comfort level with them (1 being—I know this stuff well, 5—I really don’t feel comfortable in this material). Then you add all of those up. After doing this, you calculate how much study time you have (study hrs multiplied by the number of days you can study in). Then you go back to the list of subjects, and you divide the number of potential study ours by the number of added-units in the list of subjects, to figure out how many hours each unit is worth. THEN… you multiply each subject total number of units by hours per unit and voila, you figure out how many hours you can afford to spend.

So, I did that… I created such a schedule, and although it needs some modifications (mainly scheduling some free time and resting), I will use it as a base.

After this, I went back to Ricci hall to “enjoy” a weekend of Kaplan physiology. My behind is hurting from sitting so much, and I am glad this was over. I learned a lot, but I was just so tired.

Anyways, that’s about it from here—Vega and KC are doing great also!

Many hugs,

23 apr 06 @ 10:38 pm

Saturday, April 15, 2006
Long month...
03-29-06 -->04-15-06

Hello everyone!

The past three weeks have been very busy, and I am just now getting to write a small entry. At the moment I am at home in Arizona, and collecting my strength for the last part of this school year. Sadly, I have to leave tomorrow to go back to Kansas City, but… I do have two beautiful cats who are waiting for me, so that’s okay.

Last I left you, we were about a week into “Human Development” section. On That Wednesday we had pediatrics lab, which involved about 100 children and parents and us… I really thought I would like it a whole lot more, but it was a bit disorganized, and I was personally not quite sure if I was doing things correctly. Basically, it would have been much easier to perform in a smaller quieter environment. But, overall it was fun.

During that week I had to take KC to the vet again because he still had blood in his urine. The poor guy. The vet finally told me to just wait a week more and see if it goes away. It did, and I hope that we are finally done with it for good.

Thursday was all about Geriatrics. I really enjoyed it! We also had pharmacology that day, and I realized how much I need to review the material (ugg…) Friday was a continuation of geriatrics and also a wonderful Spiritual lecture—it was titled: “aging gracefully”.

During the weekend I studied for the final, fixed my presentation, studied for OMT and studied for boards. On Monday and Tuesday we had to present our cases. I ended up concentrating on Embryology (no surprise here) and pathophysiology, and I truly liked the presentation I created, and I really feel I presented it well! My hunch is after I’ll complete my education I’ll come back to medical school as a clinician.

On Tuesday we had OMT review and a class in the morning, and then for the next two days I studied for the final and the OMT practical. From then on it was a race—On Friday we had our final exam for the section (I did really well on it!). Then on Monday we had our OMT practical which we thought would be so much harder than it actually was. I studied much more than needed. Then on Tuesday we had our Shelf exam, and I found it to be difficult. And last we had our cumulative examination on Thursday, and that one was difficult also (as it should be).

Throughout this week my kittens have seen me a whole lot, as I studied at home— On Thursday afternoon, I gave my friend Katie the keys, bid goodbye to the furry fellows and flew home.

And there I am :o)

My family decided to have our seder on Friday instead of Wednesday night. We had a great time! Everyone was here, and the food was great. Omer was suppose to be the chef, but he got stuck in school, so we ended up making the food… I told him that there is no excuse on the next big holiday—he has got to cook the meal! He is the greatest chef ever, and even though he got there after we made the food, he added a few ingredients and made the food so tasty! whenever I protest about him adding stuff into the dish he always says: “Do you trust me?” —and I always admit that, yes, I do actually trust him, and then he does his magic, and voila! The food taste even better! YUM!

Tonight Omer and I will go see a movie: “thank you for smoking” and I hope it will be good.

Much love from here,

15 apr 06 @ 9:11 pm


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