11-16-06 --> 12-01-06
Hello to all,
Loads to tell from the past 2 weeks! Last week I have finished my second family medicine rotation. It was very fun in the last few weeks of the rotation—expectations were set (and met on my part), and it was just fun to see some of the patients again for the last time. It was very nice to receive good feed back from the doctors, and Dr. C offered to write me a recommendation letter.
During thanksgiving I stayed here, worked on my paper and made the Laughlin’s famous secrete cranberry sauce recipe… yum! I also watched over Brian and Keri’s dogs (they are a lab mix and a husky—fun bunch!).
…since I can’t keep a secrete, here is the recipe for the cranberry sauce:
2 bags of cranberries
2 oranges
1 can of either crushed pineapple or tidbits (Dole’s tastes great)
Sugar (if needed… I used two tablespoons this year)
wash and stem the cranberries, then pass them through the food processor (on the top knife)
cut the oranges to small pieces
add the pineapple (if you want a water sauce, add the juice, if not, drain the juice before adding the pineapple…)
add the sugar if needed
let sit overnight (but if you are like me, half the sauce is gone within two hours of making it.)
But I digress…
On Monday I began my surgery service in ENT. So far it is very slow. I don’t think that this is what I’ll be doing after I graduate, but nevertheless it is a good experience to be in the OR and be able to relearn the anatomy of the head and neck. It is coming back fairly easily. We have to make two short presentations for didactics meetings, and I am probably going to do mine on: cleft lips and palates, Obstructive sleep apnea, hemangiomas in the airways or hearing loss. I am not sure yet. As far as what surgeries I have seen so far… I saw I nasoplasty and a sinus reconstruction, hemangioma removal from upper lip, tracheotomy placement + thyroid biopsy, tongue biopsy, and a lymph node removal (that really reminded me of Omer’s surgery a few years back).
That’s about it… the cats are doing great, we’ve been having amazing weather (up to about 70F!!!) for the past week and a half; the cats love to go out to the patio and enjoy the sun! This weekend I’ll try to get both of the presentations done, so I don’t have to worry about it during the week. Omer said he’ll check my honor’s paper and give me some feedback (he is a great editor!), so I’ll finalize that, and then my friends Karen and Matt might be coming to visit me on Sunday.
Anyways, that’s about it… I’m off to take a shower and go volunteer with my puppies!
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Do you ever get nauseous while watching surgeries? I can't even watch ER without wincing!
No, it doesn't bother me. What does get me (for some odd reason) is a pattern of rashes... I am not quite sure why, but if I see a rash and it has a repetative pattern I get completely grossed out! I guess derm is out of the question for me.
Hope all is going well with you-- I loved the dress story on your site :o)
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