My Vega (Sheesh!!!)

10-09-06--> 10-15-06
Hello to all,
I just came back from the cold outside looking for Vega… I thought I lost her! I couldn’t find her in the apartment and didn’t remember seeing her go out when I went out earlier. I called her over and over again inside, looked in all possible places (under the bed, in the closet, on top of the cabinets, under the sofa, inside the cabinets, in the fridge, oven, etc...) Well, then I went outdoors and looked for her there, but decided to go look in the apartment one more time… She was there! She popped her beautiful head out from underneath the sofa (which she wasn’t under a few minutes prior) and seemed to say: “What? I was napping!”
Sheesh! I am so happy she didn’t run away!
Anyhow, that’s the event of the night…
This week was decent. I had been drawing blood for a while now, but had a short period of time when everything I stuck didn’t give blood… OY! I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and fixed it. Hopefully I can keep getting the blood out. As far as interesting cases, I suppose I really enjoy working with the kids. It is really hard to convince a child that doesn’t feel well to open their mouth and say “Ahhhh,” but it is worth it… they are definitely fun.
On Friday night I went to see a movie at the theater—“Little Miss Sunshine.” It was absolutely wonderful! Everyone came out with a great big grin. I highly recommend it.
The rest of the weekend went by too fast—On Saturday I volunteered at the animal shelter, and then went shopping for something to stop the cats from killing the carpet (they scratch it). Then I came back home, and my place was so cold that all I wanted to do was sleep… and that’s what I did for the rest of the day (Non-productive, I know.) Today started out good, I was intending to write up my complete presentation so I wouldn’t have to worry about it next weekend or the weekend after. I sat with the material and I came up with very little. Ugg. I did make up a good list of what was needed to be inside the presentation, what I had and what I needed to find. My plan is to get a lot done during the week.
Well, that’s about it… I am going to play with my two beautiful cats and then go to bed.
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