I am not discombobulated, honest!

(mom and dad requested this picture to be put online :o) This is me when I was about 3 years old... I look like KC and Vega, don't I?)
Hello everyone,
This week went by really fast! I saw a whole lot at work, and had a chance to hang out in Crisis and see more, which is nice. Next week is our last week for this rotation… I really can’t get over on how fast the time has passed. The busier we get in the rotation, the faster it flies by and the more I feel I learn.
The interesting things I seen this week were: another schizoaffective disorder, major depressive disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. It is amazing how our brains work— I am completely in awe.
My interviewing skills are improving. During one of my interviews, my resident came in to observe me. She said it was pretty good—I personally thought I could have done it better, but it was good to get some feedback. I am happy with what I am doing, and it is nice to know that I will only improve from now on.
I don’t know if I mentioned it, but in the psych unit there is an Israeli women working. In any case, for the past 2 weeks the people at work kept telling me about her and saying that I have got to meet her and how nice she is etc. etc. I finally did meet her, and we had a good time talking. She is from Hadera, which is 10 minutes from where we used to live, and she is now married and has a kid. We talked for a while, and it was nice to just chat in Hebrew. She asked me what I was doing for Rosh-Hashanah, and I told her that I had no plan, so she invited me to her in-laws. Therefore, yesterday, I joined a really nice family to celebrate the New Year! I had a good time, and am grateful for their hospitality.
I woke up a bit too late today and chose to go to the animal shelter tomorrow morning instead of today… It was just too comfy in my bed. I attempted to clean my abode, but after lunch I crashed for a long nap. Oh well, I guess my body required some rest.
KC and Vega and doing great—they both got long walks today, and all is good with the world now…
That’s about it for the week— Oh! I suppose I’ll share with you the lovely new word I learned this week: “Discombobulated” It basically means confused, or like the way you feel when you wake up in the morning and you are very disoriented and confused… I suppose it also can mean upset, but this wasn’t the connotation I learned the word in.
There you have it!
Much love,
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