Not too busy
Hi everyone!
Why is it so hard to find a reasonably priced apartment in a good area that allows pets and has a washer/dryer or hookups???
So, dad and I went over to ****** and looked at apartments. The first place we visited was just being built. It will be a gorgeous apartment complex, but the lady who showed us the place was so nasty! Ewww! Anyways, that place is way too expensive for what it gives. Besides, it will be too snooty. My rule of thumb is—if I can’t hang my cloths out in the sun on a nice sunny day, the apartment complex is not for me… :o) This one was definitely too snobbish.
We then visited two more places that looked okay! They said that they might have the washer and dryer option when I come. I need to push them on that one. One of the complexes is close to the hospital and the apartments in both places are a tiny bit bigger than what mine is right now. I was very happy we found these places, and they sure looked decent! When I came home I looked online and read some awful reviews of this place on . Uggg. I then looked to see how my own complex ranked now, and there were some awful reviews about my place too… LOL! I got to put everything in perspective.
So… I still have to go down there a few more times to see another complex or two, but I’d like to find a nice place soon.
Oh, we saw the strangest thing when we were down there! We went to the shore, and the ocean was black! It was the middle of the day, and it was sunny and no clouds in the sky, but the ocean just decided to be black. There were lots of shades inside that black—a lot of purple, green, brown. I have never seen anything like it. I am so used to the beautiful Mediterranean, and the gorgeous Red sea that this… well… it just didn’t seem right. I am sure it has to do with currents and winds and other factors, but nevertheless it was weird.
I’m starting my next rotation tomorrow—it’s Peds Neurology, and will be only 2 weeks (the two weeks I still owe the school from last year). I sure hope I would like it. I also hope I will be able to sit down and study when I need to. I’ve been feeling burned out, and my last rotation (family medicine) was easy enough that I didn’t have to sit down and study… I probably should have, but I was tired of working so hard. Blah!!!
Oh, during my family medicine rotation I was able to avoid catching the various sickness the patients had, until the very last two days. My stomach was doing the samba inside me. No other symptoms, just very violent movements of the stomach. Uggg! I feel better now, but was really feeling funny on Thursday and Friday.
Well spring is officially here!! And I saw the first trees bloom last week :o) It was great, beautiful pink trees around my neighborhood. Now the yellow flowers on the bushes are starting to bloom. There are also red flowers on the trees. It’s beautiful! I promise pictures.
I’ve been exercising a lot, and am very proud that it almost has been 2 months!!!! I started blogging it on just for my own records . I think I’ve been logging it for about 10 days or so. It would be nice to see the progress in writing. You are welcome to visit there, but don’t laugh at my abysmal lifting abilities… I had to start low or else I would have hurt myself.
KC and Vega are doing very well. They love sitting out on the balcony on sunny days. I love it that they love it.

That’s it! Kisses to all,
Happy Purim everyone!
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