My Life as a Medical Student
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Blogger had some problems and wouldn't let me put these pictures online, so... here they are now.

Gorgeous Ms. Vega

Vega is sleeping

More sleeping...

and of course... more sleeping :o)

KC enjoys sleeping as well

Pensive KC

As the famous advertisment goes: "My mate-- Marmite!" I LOVE it!

Marmite on the inside... YUM!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Of DC, Austen and Marmite!
08-12-06--> 08-18-06
Hello everyone,
This entry does not begin with vacation boredom, but rather with an interesting drive to the wonderful Washington DC. Azadeh’s and Majeed’s wedding reception was not to begin until 7:30, and thus I decided to leave quite late in the day. The ride there was magnificent! It’s amazing how much green the eyes can enjoy in this part of the world… After years of the desert, this is fun. Well, you’d think that since this was my first time in Washington DC, I’d visit all the monuments and all the tourist attractions… nope, not me—I had a mission: get to Azadeh’s reception; nothing else was allowed to stand in the way.
For some reason, Triple A (AAA :o) ) decided to give me a map to go straight through D.C.’s downtown… It probably would have been easier to go around the city on their I-495. That’s okay—I did really well until I got to the suburbs… I got lost within a mile of the hotel and had to call Azadeh to get directions from her sister.
Well, to continue the complications, the hotel did not have my reservation, and I insisted that they had it, and that they needed to find it (they never did)… As I was talking to the receptionist in the hotel, this nice lady came over and told me she overheard me talk about a wedding, and if I was one of Azadeh’s friends. I was so happy to see this lady and her husband. She ended up being Azadeh’s mother’s best friend, and she insisted that I come to their room change to wedding attire, and if I could please, take them to the wedding, as their ride didn’t show up and they were waiting for it for over an hour.
That’s what we did… I changed to my nice clothes in about 3.2 minutes, hastily put makeup on, and managed to forget my camera in their room :o(
The reception was wonderful. I met some of Azadeh’s good friends from Grad school and we talked. I was made to dance by Ana (Azadeh’s sister) and their dad. I had a good time dancing, but I am not very good at it, so it’s not the first thing I’d chose how to do… The food was absolutely wonderful, and Azadeh’s husband is very nice and seems to be quite the gentleman. Their cake was heavenly… white cake with strawberries and rose-water-petal custard on the side.
Then at about 1am the party died down, and I took the nice couple back to their hotel room, where they asked me if I’d mind giving them a ride to the airport at 3:30AM. :o) Naturally I was up for the adventure, and told them that if they are willing to get lost with me on the way there, this was not a problem. We actually got to Dulles airport without a hitch, and I decided to just drive home from there.
I got home fairly early in the morning, and had a good nap for about 3-4 hours, then woke up and attempted to stay awake all day long.
From last week, up to Today (Friday), I’ve been volunteering at the animal shelter. I really enjoy it. I clean cages, do laundry, do dishes, play with the cats and talk to the dogs. This is keeping me busy and my body moving. I don’t think the people in the office thought I’d be back after the first visit, but I kept coming, and I truly enjoy it.
My furry trouble makers are doing good. Vega has been obsessed about the “outside world” She sits next to the door and Meows until I put her harness on attach the leash, and then allow her to take me on a walk. She is really funny, and I am happy that she enjoys the outside. I do admit that her meows ARE at time annoying. But that’s okay.
Two more things before I sign off… I decided to rent a movie and picked “Sense and Sensibility”—a Jane Austen adaptation to the screen by the wonderful Emma Thompson. This has become my new favorite movie (replacing the wonderful ‘Love Actually’)! I watched it twice already, and planning to watch it one more time before I take it back to Blockbuster… This is definitely a chick flick movie, but… Well… that’s Austen for you. I laughed so hard watching this movie. So far my two favorite scenes are the one when Elinor and Marianne together hear the news about Edwards’ prior engagement… and just the breakdown of Elinor afterwards when Marianne dare ask her: “Elinor, where is your heart?” My second favorite scene is when Elinor cries and laughs at the very end hearing the good news. Okay, enough of me spoiling the movie for those who have not seen it yet.
After watching the movie, I got this terrible craving for Marmite. Maybe it was subconsciously watching a British movie that caused all of this. Anyways, Marmite was no where to be found in the local stores, and I started searching it online. Finally I called another store, and they had it!!! So today I drove there and bought my lovely Marmite. When I told my friends that I was craving Marmite, they thought I was insane, but I can’t help it…Well, after two toasts with butter and Marmite, I feel much better!
That is just about the extent of this week.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006

08-06--> 08-11-06
Hello everyone!
Well, this week was not as boring, so I am much happier! Well, to be honest, the first 3 days of this week were actually very boring, as I waited for maintenance to come and fix a few more things in my apartment. It was quite annoying to just sit here in the apartment just waiting for them to show up, but I got loads of cleaning done.
On Monday morning, I somehow managed to ‘kill’ my vacuum brush. Originally I thought the belt broke, so I opened it up to fix it and found a melted ‘end cap’ on the brush… so I ventured to the local mall to get a new brush. This is the second or third time I went to that area, but up to this point I never actually entered this Ghost mall… It is pretty much an empty mall, the parking lot is empty and it is really bizarre and weird. In any case, the inside of the mall is not at all bad! I actually enjoyed it! Yes, it has plenty of ‘for rent’ places, but I truly expected a 1973 style mall on the inside and was much surprised!
Later on that day I met with Vega’s and KC’s new pet sitter! Oh, she is wonderful! I am so very happy that the vet recommended her to me. In any case, we chatted a bit and she met the furry-trouble-makers and in all honesty I didn’t think KC was going to greet her, because he is a ‘scardy-cat,’ but… he did! That’s when I knew it will be okay. So now I am feeling much better about leaving them here when I go home, and I’ll give you updates when I come back.
On Tuesday morning I was still waiting for the maintenance people to come, and they didn’t… not too much of a waste of a day, because I did a bunch of reading and some cleaning.
Wednesday morning I talked to the people in the office and asked them to please, please make sure that the maintenance got there that day, and they promised me that they will. Before maintenance got here, my friends Matt and Erica came by-- They have begged me for about a week to buy their microwave from them. I finally agreed to, and so they came in bringing it and also visiting my abode. When they left I cleaned the microwave, and now it looks brand new! The reason for hesitating on buying the microwave originally, was that I don’t use it all that much; I mainly use my toaster. But… now that I have it, I love it.
Finally on Wednesday afternoon, maintenance came, and the guy painted my balcony, fixed the door, fixed something in the bathroom, but because he had a medical condition, he couldn’t paint the wall next to the stove (he couldn’t move the stove). So I told him I understand, and don’t expect him to do it, but that he needed to find someone to do it for him because I just couldn’t possibly be at home for another day. He couldn’t find anyone who’ll do it, so I called the office once again and asked them if they could find someone. They were great, and within the hour, the guy came back with another guy, they moved the stove, painted that wall, and in 10 minutes, all was well.
That night I decided to go on a big walk around my new apartment complex. I figured I needed to know where everything was. In the last leg of the walk, I saw Vega outside. It felt like my heart just dropped-- Why was she out? Did she figure out a way to run out? Did I not shut the door properly? I started calling her, but she wouldn’t come, so I went after her, and then realized that it wasn’t Vega, but a cat that was practically identical to her! Even the little square on the nose! It was a stray kitty. So naturally, I called it and tried to have it follow me—it was interested in me, but not all that much, so I went home, grabbed some kitty food and the carrier and went out to get him. When I got back there, there were two cats instead of the one Vega-look-a-like. So I knew there was no way I could catch them, and I just left them the food.
On Thursday I went to a local animal shelter, because I wanted to volunteer with the animals before I started being busy again. They were happy to have me, and I had a good time doing physical work—washing dog dishes, folding dog laundry, but also loving playing with the kitties in their cat room and playing with one little dog. I stayed for about two hours, and then headed home again. When I got back home, I made sure to take a shower straight away so my cats wouldn’t get any bug from there, and then I realized my carpets smelled really funky. OY! For now I am just using ‘fabreez’, but if this doesn’t get better, I’ll have to get maintenance here again.
Today, I visited Triple A, because tomorrow I will be driving to Washington DC for my friend Azadeh’s wedding reception (they had a small wedding about a month ago, and now they are doing to big reception for all their friends). It is so exciting! I can’t wait to see her, her family and her husband whom I never met!
After Triple A, I ventured to the Bank, and then to CVS. I am starting to learn where everything is now, but it is still really confusing! The roads are all curvy and twisted here, and I am definitely not used to it… (I love Phoenix’s logical grid!)
In the afternoon I returned to the animal shelter and volunteered there for two hours or so—I did a lot of the same things I did yesterday. It was good. I am planning to keep doing this until I go home in two weeks, and then once rotations start, I really hope to do it once a week if I could, just for an hour or two. We’ll see… By the way, my friends laughed so hard when I told them I am volunteering at the shelter, and they all have a bet going that by the time December comes I’ll have another animal at my house. And they are right, it is very hard for me to go there and not want to take the animals home with me. I have fallen in love with a little cat that doesn’t have eye lids—she is so sweet! I hope someone adopts her soon. I have also fallen in love with a big orange cat… and all the dogs… But, the idea here is to help them by volunteering, not adopting at the moment :o)
All and all, I have been fairly good about doing psychology readings in the morning. It’s only thirty minutes, which is nothing in comparison to the hours and hours of readings I was doing a month or two ago, but, since I’m on vacation, this is the minimum I thought was needed.
Vega and KC have been going outside on a leash. I know it sounds funny—a cat on a leash… But in my old apartment complex we had a big hall where I felt quite safe with them not being on a leash (I was always with them, naturally). Here, with all the open outdoors and wooded area, I am very scared to let them out without a leash. On the first few tries it actually went okay, with them being just minimally terrified, but now they don’t quite like it too much any more. We had a breakthrough tonight though! Vega sat next to the door and asked to go out, and so I put her harness and leash on and we went out. She knew exactly how to go down to the bottom floor, and then she went to the grass and ate some grass! She got really scared when she saw a neighbor’s dog through their glass door, and so she ran up the flight of stairs really fast, and because I wasn’t going fast enough, she was pulled back and fell down a bit (she is completely okay, don’t worry). She is something else that cat! I still can’t get over how she knew exactly how to get down and then how to come up to the correct apartment again! KC got taken outside my apartment without really wanting to, and he just sniffed around and then asked to be let back in.
Well, besides the weather being absolutely gorgeous and the fact that at the moment it is colder here at night than it is during the winter day time in Phoenix (which is just way too cool!) that is basically it…
Have a good weekend!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Boredom does not suit me well...

Hello everyone!
Wow… you wouldn’t believe how bored I got here this week!!! I have not been bored in more than three or four years… this was definitely not welcomed by myself, and I did all I could to cope with it :o)
On Monday morning I woke up fairly early and had to give R. who is our contact person for the hospital some paperwork. So I drove over there and started looking for her. I ended up finding her without any trouble and she was very surprised I came in person instead of mailing it… Well, in all honesty at that point I still didn’t know where the mail drop box was, and so it was easier to drive it there.
Then I came back home and I had nothing to do. OH NO!!! I sat here for about an hour contemplating what to do, and then I decided that on my small vacation I deserve to watch some movies on my computer DVD. Aha! I knew where blockbuster was, I saw it a few days prior when Omer was still here, and so I drove there. EWWW that blockbuster complex smells like very bad men’s cologne. Blah!!! In any case I plug my nose and moved in and then ended up watching many movies this week:
-Mean girls (because Omer told me it’s funny)
Bridget Jones’s Diary 2 (because I wanted to see it when it came out to the theatre, but I had school)
-Pride and Prejudice (The new version… very lovely!)
-Unfinished life (Was recommended to me by Dorothy, I think. It was okay)
-Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio (I really liked it!)
-On a Clear Day (not the Barbra Streisand version, a new completely different story—very fun!)
-The Christmas with the Kranks (so-so, I got annoyed with it)
-The producers (will see it today before noon)
Don’t worry, I didn’t see them all at once, but this is still a major amount of movies to have watched in one week… probably more than all the movies I watched this whole year total!
On Tuesday afternoon I completed the damage report to the apartment, and brought it to the office—they told me they’ll fix most of it on Friday. That day, Lori called me and told me she was going to be in Wayne NJ on Wednesday and Thursday, and if I was interested in driving there to see them. Well, originally I refused, because I really didn’t want to get lost trying to get there, but after a little thought about the matter I realized that I might just die of boredom, and that getting lost while driving to see my good friend was a good activity!
And so on Thursday morning (very, very early) I left and drove. When I plotted the map the previous day, I didn’t realize I’ll be driving through Newark, and so when I started going through the city my first thought was… “Oh no! I DON’T want to get lost in NYC!” But I didn’t! Surprisingly, I made it all the way to the hotel without a hitch. When I thought I got lost I called them, only to divert my eyes to the left and realize that their hotel was right next to the place I parked at!
Seeing Lori and her dad was so much fun!

On Friday I talked to my folks, and we decided I had to come home. I was worried about not finding a sitter or a kennel for my cats (because the end of my time there would be a holiday weekend (Labor Day)) but we decided to buy the tickets and just look for a sitter later.
In any case, the whole of yesterday I was calling around to different cat-sitters and different kennels. I still haven’t managed to talk to too many of them, but got a great recommendation by the local vet and so I hope these two sisters will reply to me today (I both left a message and wrote an email to them)… I really want to go home, but I must have someone to watch over my babies, and it would be so much better if they could stay at home instead of sit in a cage for a week!
Today (Saturday) started fairly early when KC nibbled on my toes telling me it’s time to feed them… so I have and since then I’ve been doing laundry, loading the dishwasher, and getting ready to watch the last movie I have, and then… Well… I’ve decided I needed to study a bit. As I’m starting with Psych, I’ll start reading this material.
Well, off I go!
PS-- I now know where the mail drop box is...
This one is for Christine who loves the Carpenters probably more than I do :o)
You can check out my exercising progress: