Beautiful (gray) fall

Hello all and welcome to fall!
That’s it… despite that fact that ‘official fall’ had begun over a month ago, it is finally truly feels like fall around here… it has been cold, rainy, and windy. The trees are absolutely stunning, and the crisp air everywhere… Fall and winter are not my favorite seasons, and I will try my hardest not to complain about the weather too much until springs arrives.
Work is interesting. I definitely get to learn a lot. For the past week I have been getting better and better with the blood draws! Yes! Last Wednesday I drew blood from a lady who had very tiny veins (in my opinion at least), and was so happy to see the blood collect nicely in the tube.
To be honest, I haven’t really seen anything amazing this week… a lot of coughs, runny noses, sinus problems, and many people who come to receive their flu and pneumovax shots. I’ve given quite a few of those now, and I really do like giving shots :o)
The thing I do like about family medicine is that I get to see the patients many times throughout the time I spend in the office. This continuity is wonderful! I love knowing the people that walk in and know that I saw them the week prior for something and find out if they are feeling better or worse, or if they have followed through with tests… I guess you can say that I am always curious to find out what ‘happened next’, and the settings of family medicine allows for this.
The weekend was great! On Friday night I cooked some stuffed eggplants (YUM!) and after I ate them joined my friends for a ‘get together’. They ended up going to a movie, and I returned back home because I was very tired. On Saturday I volunteered with the animals! I had a good time. Cuddles (a nice poodle female dog) was still there and I petted her for a bit—she is going to her new home next week! There was another great dog there—He was a gray St. Bernard’s mix… he was shorter than a St. Bernard, but had the humongous paws and giant head. OHHHHH he was just too adorable! After that I came home and fell asleep for a good while, then woke up and worked on my presentation for a few hours. Today (Sunday) was my non-school day—I went shopping and cooked and did fun stuff with the cats… it was nice.
Well, that’s about it from here…