10-23-06 --> 11-05-06
Hello everyone!
Well, I’ve been quite busy these past two weeks, which is why I didn’t write. Work is going good. I’ve gotten better at drawing blood, giving shots and figuring things out. I still feel I can learn so much more, and that is pushing me to keep reading.
Fun stuff: Mom came to visit me last weekend!!! She came on Friday night and we drove to Lancaster County in Pennsylvania to visit the Amish people. The drive there was absolutely gorgeous. All the leaves are turning red, yellow and brown, and the roads were so pretty. It was quite cold the whole time mom was here, and when we got to Lancaster county we bundled up good in our coats and walked around a bit, enjoyed seeing the Amish people and learning about their tradition, appreciating their amazing art work in quilting, enjoying the good food, but most of all… having a good time!

On Sunday mom decided that eating on the sofa is not okay anymore, and thus now I have a dinning table… I tried (with no success) to convince her I had no need for a table, but she convinced me otherwise. It’s a cute table from IKEA, and I do like it a lot. The cats absolutely LOVE to have another thing to climb and claw…
On Monday I was at work and the whole day was wishing the day will go by fast so I could go home and be with mom. When I got home mom has made a wonderful soup (yum!) and we both enjoyed a nice quite evening. We watched “Hagashash Hachiver” together, and I have to say that their skits are timeless!
Tuesday was sad, because mom went back home, but by Thursday I returned to my normal self. In attempts to make myself feel better I rented a wonderful movie: “Finding Neverland” which tells the story of JM Barrie and the Davies boys. It was a very emotional movie, and despite crying a good bit while watching it, I still loved every bit of it.
On Friday night (this weekend) I picked Omer up from the airport!!! I barely had a few days without mom and now Omer came… HOORAY!
On Saturday we drove together to Hershey Pennsylvania, the famous chocolate town. We had a wonderful time. The most impressive thing about the town was actually its smell! We rolled down the windows and the whole car filled up with this sweet chocolate-brownie smell! Absolutely amazing. We had a good lunch consisting of ice-cream and chocolate, and then decided to drive back home. Despite not getting a tour of the actual Hershey factory, this was still very fun.

We returned home and watched “Finding Neverland” together… Omer said it was a very good movie. We managed to break the headboard of my bed while we watched the film… Oh well… we fixed it today (Sunday) so it’s all good.
Also today, we went to the theatre to see “Borat”. This movie was weird. I laughed, but thought it could have been done better. Interesting, but I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone… you have to take it with a grain of salt and enjoy the stupid humor.
Well… I just dropped Omer at the airport, and have already finished practicing my presentation once today. It’s on Friday, and I really would like to do a good job with it. Performing is fun, but it is much more fun to sing, not to lecture…
That’s about all,