15 days 'till I go home!!!

12-02-06 --> 12-10-06
Hello hello!
Just another small entry… nothing too interesting has been going on in ENT… Well, unless you count the dog bite we have seen the septorhinoplasty (septal correction and a nose job), the sinus surgery, removal of enlarged gland and the tracheostomy. I finally got to scrub in on a case—it was so much more interesting to participate! At the moment I don’t think working in the OR is my heart’s desire, but I cannot deny that it really is interesting.
My presentation last week was cancelled, which was completely fine by me… I was ready, but we did have a long day, and I haven’t eaten anything for a while, and the prospect of sitting and listening to presentations and then presenting myself did not sound as good as let’s say… dinner. That’s okay, I will present it this week. Quite unintentionally I managed to complete my next presentation today… I started reading my material (I am doing this one on obstructive sleep apnea) and just put everything together on PowerPoint, and a few hours later I had a complete presentation. I haven’t run through it yet, so I don’t know how long it will be, and if I’ll have to change things a bit, but the main part is done.
The last bit of school stuff is that I finally finished my honors paper for the family medicine rotation. I worked hard on it and despite the fact that it is not even remotely close to being perfect, I am happy with the paper. My topic was ‘medical mistakes and their disclosure to the patients’ and it was definitely interesting to read and write about!
Tomorrow I have an orientation for OBGYN. I really hope that this next rotation will be fun.
Now to not-school-related stuff:
I have been working on a quilt for my friend’s baby girl. This is a complete experiment, but it is turning out quite nicely! I am not 100% sure of how to create the binding, but I have a general idea, so I’ll play with it. I really wanted to have it done before the end of this year (2006), but I have a feeling she’ll receive it sometimes next spring :o) Oh well! The best thing about it is that I am having a good time and learning something that is completely not medicine related! After I’ll be done with this quilt I am thinking of attempting a very small lap quilt that will not have a pre-print to go with it… We’ll see…
Vega and KC are doing great! We sat in the sun (with a hat on) and read for a good hour today (it was cold, but very sunny!) Is anything better than a good book, purring cats and hot tea on a beautiful day? Speaking of reading books, last Thursday I finished reading a great book—שבע מידות רעות it was a good read, so thank you Saba for choosing it for me!
Last weekend my friends Karen and Matt came to visit me—they were suppose to come the week before, but they ended up not making it. We had such a good time! We went out to dinner at PF Chang’s (a Chinese place for all of you unfortunate souls who don’t know the place), talked for a long while and just had fun. It was so nice, and I really hope that I will have the time to go visit them in upstate New York sometimes during this academic year.
The last cool thing is that my friend Lori got published!!! I am so proud of her! I read this specific short story and thought it was wonderful! I cannot wait to see more from her! Congratulations again!
Well, that is about it for now,
Loads of kisses from here,
Ahhhhhh...your cats are SO cute!
What do you get to do when you scrub into a surgery? Have you practiced surgery on...something other than humans?
Your paper sounds interesting!
Hope you have a nice trip home. I'll be in AZ--is that where you're going?
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Hey Christine,
Well, when you scrub in, you can participate in the surgery. In my stage of education it means holding retractors, using the suction, cutting sutures, putting sutures in (although I didn't get to do that yet :o( ). It is SO much more fun than just standing and watching.
When I was in ASU I got to dissect on rabbits in one of the classes. Lets say that it was educational but I will never want to do that again. As far as learning sutures-- I practice on chicken, hotdogs, ham... any food that is similar to human tissues. I even use my shoe laces to go through the motions.
The best way to learn any procedure is by reading about it (and the anatomy, physiology and complications) ahead of time. Then watch several of those being done, slowly be integrated in, and always have supervision with constructive criticism until you have learned it.
Yes, I'm going to Arizona! WooHoo! But I was thinking, you don't live very far from me here, we should plan on some DC adventure in the spring sometimes!
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Ugg! Sorry for all the deletes... I had a spam attack. Stupid 'wanna make money' posts.
A DC adventure in the Spring would be AWESOME!!! :) I can't wait. I'm going to ask you all sorts of questions about medical school and all the neat stuff you must see!
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