Saturday, March 31, 2007

Recipe for Kneidalach (Matzo Balls)

No, really, I don't have a kneidalach obsession, but I have noticed that a lot of people arrive to my site via 'recipe for kneidalach' search on the various search engines...

So here you go:

This is from the back of manischewitz matzo mean-- I found that it is the best recipe ever!!! (I don't care if the recipe is from the back of a box...) I changed it just a tiny bit:

(*makes about 16 matzo balls-- all doubled from original recipe)

4 tablespoons olive oil (the original recipe uses vegetable oil)
4 large eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup Matzo Meal
2 teaspoon salt (or however much you like)
4 tablespoons soup stock or water

1. Blend vegetable oil, eggs, matzo meal and salt together
2. Add soup stock or water and mix until uniform. Cover and place in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
3. Bring 3 quarts of water to a brisk boil (or just have your chicken/vegetable/etc boiling)
4. Reduce flame and drop balls approximately 1 inch in diameter formed from refrigerated mixture
5. Cover pot and cook 30-40 minutes

--> grandma and greatgrandma note: if you like them hard (oooo, so good!) add a tiny bit more matzo meal to the mix.

That's it.

Happy Passover to all who celebrate it.
Happy meal to all who enjoy kneidalach!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Finally, an update :o)

03/10/07 --> 03/30/07
I promised an update, and here it is… I’ve decided to quit medical school.

Hahahaha! Just kidding! (Not funny, I know, but I’m tired, so I can have a bad sense of humour)

Okay, so internal medicine has finally gotten better! I have finished the first month of it and learned a whole lot. The first weeks were very-very difficult—it was just very sad, and it really affected me. So after I vowed never to take another internal medicine course, things started to get interesting, exciting and… yes, fun, so I take that vow back. I moved to a new hospital during the second week. With this new doctor we got to do a lot of learning, a lot of answering questions… basically, a whole lot of thinking. It is interesting—it really is. We had several night lectures which I found very useful. After the EKG lecture, I started reading the EKGs at the hospital with greater ease. I cannot wait until cardiology next year. I think it will be a difficult but very interesting rotation.

Next week I will start the second part of internal medicine at an outpatient clinic. I hope it will be interesting. I’ve kind of gotten used to the hospital routine—get there early, read patient’s charts, talk to patients, talk to the nurses, collect labs and other studies, write notes and… round… long, tiring rounds. Hopefully the outpatient will be exciting.

What else? Weather has been gorgeous!!! It is spring time in New Jersey and I love it. The trees started to bloom and the grass is finally green again. Yes, only a week or two ago we had that bad snow storm, but hopefully it was the last one for the year :o)

I’ve been exercising pretty good—I take my neighbor’s dog “Chance” out on walkies, and it is tremendous fun for both of us.

That’s about it—KC and Vega are doing great. With the whole cat food recall that happened I was a little worried, but luckily their food wasn’t on that recall list. Lucky, really as IAMS was one of the foods I considered at the beginning. I was at the store and met a lady who lost 3 cats to renal failure after they have eaten the food—it is very sad.

Anyways, I must getting moving, I have to start making my Kneidalach for Passover :o)


Thursday, March 29, 2007


I promise a new post tomorrow after I'm done at the hospital-- All is well here, I am extremely tired, but I am finally having fun! Yeah! It's already 10pm and I have to work on some more stuff for tomorrow, and sadly sleep is not going to happen until about 23:00. yawn~ ...I'll write more tomorrow.

PS-- Quite a while a go my friends "Funky" and "P-Bear" came to visit. I forgot to post pics then, so here you go now. My friends the dorky historians!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I promise an entry soon... but until then, enjoy the timeless Ofra Haza!
(Eurovision 1983--2nd place, but really should have won...)

And one more, because I can't help myself! 1978 winner Izhar Cohen with "Abanibi". Such a fun song!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Internal Medicine

02-27-07 --> 03-09-07

Hello to all,

This entry will cover the past two weeks. All is well here, but I am extremely tired as I was on call last night and didn’t get to leave today until about 3pm. Oh well! I took a short nap and should be okay for the next few hours. Tomorrow night I am on call with my friend Tracy—this one is in a hospital that is about 5 minutes from me, and I wouldn’t have to work the day after, so it should be a bit easier than today was.

The last week of pediatrics was decent. I did learn how to perform new born examination, which is so important. I didn’t like that hospital too much, for it is like a very grim and gray looking castle. I really would like to do another out patient pediatrics rotation though—I’ll try and get it in

Sorry—I fell asleep pretty much within 5 minutes after the last unfinished sentence! I’ll continue this now :o)
…I’ll try and get it in this summer during my 3rd year elective. This will be difficult to manage, but I’ll see what I can do.

So after my pediatric exam I had two free days during the weekend. I worked hard on the quilt—I finished the giraffe, and it looks very adorable. I also went to the public library and took out Denise Austin’s ‘Indoor walk’ DVD. It just that my hours in internal medicine are very long and do not allow me to have free time during day light, so I figured I’ll exercise during the evenings indoors until this rotation is over.

And then… Monday came along and we had an internal medicine orientation and drove to the different hospitals to start our rotation.

So, internal medicine will probably not be my chosen field. However, it is really important to learn as much as I can from the next 8 (7 now!) weeks. What really surprised me is how emotionally difficult this experience is for me. There are a lot of really sick people, and I just get so sad being in the hospital. This has not happened until now. I never got sad working with patients before internal medicine, because up to this point I worked with populations that were relatively healthy.

Suffering sucks. It really does. Being in the hospital as a patient is no picnic—I don’t envy anyone who is in the hospital. For most patients, the hospital is the place they can usually get most help, but… being sick, really sick, is not easy.

So… my plan is to learn as much as I can, read a whole lot and… get my 4th year all set up in the next 7 weeks. The next rotation after internal medicine is surgery.

As I said earlier, I was on call Thursday night. It was a good learning experience. We went to the ER and admitted patients. In between patients we went to the call room where the interns and residents have little beds that they can sleep in. They had beds, we had chairs (students are on the bottom of the totem pole). To be honest, it was quite uncomfortable. My next rotation is tonight 7pm-7am, and then next week I have one on Wednesday and one on Friday. It really isn’t all that bad, but working the next day on very little sleep is tiring.

What else? Cats are doing well. Weather has been nasty. I’m going to see dad today if he feels better!!! That’s about it…

Loads of kisses,


This one is for Christine who loves the Carpenters probably more than I do :o)

You can check out my exercising progress: