Yom Kippur.
Tradition has a lot of power. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fast this year, but after so many years of fasting on Yom Kippur it just didn’t feel right not to. I started the fast not knowing if I would complete it, but found myself at the end of it this evening. I find fasting a lot easier than it should be… I just decide I am not hungry and live off adrenalin for a day… easy enough. They should come up with something harder to repent for bad deeds and sins :o)
Quick question to those who are familiar with prayers and stuff—if Yom Kippur falls on a Friday (like it did this year,) is there a special prayer to add to the normal lighting of the the Shabat candles prayer? I wasn’t sure… if you know the answer to this, let me know.
This week has not been too exciting. Cardiology is not for me. Why am I rotating through a peds cardiology rotation next, is a question I have to answer to myself as well. Sheesh. Hopefully I’ll enjoy that one better.
This past Friday, after (attempted two months worth of) studying, I took the boards. To be honest, I don’t know what to think. There was a lot more OMT than I anticipated a lot more psychiatry. Since I had difficulties with studying I don’t think I did as well as I should, and I am just hoping it was good enough so I wouldn’t have to repeat it… uggg!!! I am not even going to think about it until the results are back, because there is nothing I can do to change this now.
After the 8 hours I spent in front of the computer screen, I stepped outside and saw that right next door to the testing center, there was a JoAnn fabric store!!! I decided that the best remedy for ‘examination induced crossed eyes syndrome’ would be to go in and take a look at the fabrics….
I found the cutest fabric ever!!!!!!!!! It’s all ‘boy’ and I LOVE it!
So the quilt I thought I would start on will have to wait, because I fell in love with a new fabric.
Well, I already put it all together and started quilting it last night. This one is a larger quilt and I anticipate that it will take a bit longer to complete. Expect completed quilt pictures in… March? :o)
This morning I drove to the hospital because I was on call. Nothing happened in the first hour and the interns ended up sending me home. Can’t say I was too disappointed… I was a bit lightheaded from not eating and drinking and was happy to come home, rest a bit and then clean my abode. It is lovely now, but this morning it was quite messy.
Random things I wanted to tell you about—
We have beautiful geese around our area— this year they gave birth to a beautiful albino goose! I’ve been following him/her for a while. S/he is just beautiful. Yesterday, I saw the white head while driving into my street, but didn’t have my camera with me… one day I’ll take a picture and post it here.
Second random thing—when I was driving to buy some tomatoes at the local farm I stopped right in front of the JCC where smack in the middle of the road layed a shiny black male dress shoe. I guess someone just had it with the rabbi and ran out as soon as he could, not looking backwards when he lost his shoe… I chuckled about that one for several good minutes.
Third—it is officially fall weather. Blah. Overall the temperatures have dropped significantly, the mornings are crisp, the leaves are turning colours (they have since the end of July… I think it must have been from the excess rain we had here this summer, but now more trees are turning golden and red and dropping their leaves)… My friend Banana posted something on her myface.com account on the lines of: “…I wish we could go back to the beginning of the summer so we could have 3 more months of warm weather…” I completely agree.
I actually want to go back several years and enjoy more time with E.ma.
Which brings me to my last, but not so random point—
This is just a request—if you by chance have pictures of mom, please scan them and send them either to me or to dad—I would love to see more pictures. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to not seeing mom again, and pictures and old videos (the few that we have) are kind of all I’ve got, so please add to the small fortune of pictures that we have and help us make it bigger.
That’s about it. Tomorrow I will work on my applications. I should have been done with it ages ago, but didn’t get it done for various reasons (take your pick). I will be done with it soon. I am also planning to see dad—so I’ll either go to the city, or he’ll come down here. That would be so nice.
That’s all folks—I’m leaving you with a picture of mom, her sister and someone else with Rocky (I don’t think it’s her brother Danny, but I can’t be sure). I took this picture of a picture during the Shiva from a small picture my cousin Irit had in her wallet.
So from L (our L)--> Mom, Unknown (I don’t think it’s Danny), Aunt Isabelle. On the bottom: Rocky the dog.
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