01-15-07 --> 01-21-07
Hello to all,
Man, I’m tired! This past week I had the night shift in the hospital and switching my day all around wasn’t too bad at the beginning, but as the week progressed I become much more tired. In any case, I got to see some interesting things—it was definitely fun!
During one early morning, there was an unexpected emergency (which due to HIPPA laws I will not describe here). At the time, I was at the other side of the unit doing morning rounds, and didn’t get to see/participate in it. Nevertheless, afterwards when I saw the resident, I was very impressed by her actions. Even though the resident was angry at herself and just got yelled at by the attending (that’s the doctor above her), she didn’t do what many other residents do, which is to take their frustration out on the medical student. Rather, she calmed herself down and thanked me for finishing what was needed to get done. Very impressive. I have to remember to behave like this if something like that happens to me—it was very dignified and professional.
It has been really cold here… I HATE this weather!!! My plan is to eventually move to a warmer climate… this is too cold for me (and mind you, this has been a warm winter thus far!)
My exercising is going very well! I am still in the ‘attempting to run’ phase, and settled on plain walking for the most part. That’s more than I did before, and it really makes me feel good. Today I walked next to the lake which was frozen! I threw some pinecones on the ice for pure amusement. It was very quite and pretty. “Michelin Man” is the look I go for during these walks…wearing about 4 layers does look comical… I am hoping beyond hope the weather will improve soon.
According to Dr. C at the Family Medicine rotation, building a new habit takes about 21 days (I have no idea where he got the number from, but there you have it) I just have to keep sticking with it. My schedule is changing a bit next week, and hopefully I could still find some time to walk when the sun is still out; if not, I’ll have to venture to the smelly gym… blah!
Last night I went to a party at Dr. D’s house—he has a wonderful collection of obstetric tools from the 17 hundreds and on. We had about 14 people there, had some great home made pizza and enjoyed the hands on presentation he gave about his “museum.” Dr. D got just as excited about the old tools as Uncle Yossi gets about his Morgan dollars :o)
Today (the only free day I have), I have to run to the store to get some food, finish the laundry and I really wanted to work on the new quilt—I’m off to do all of that!
We had our first snowfall today! It's been snowing since ~2:00, and we now have accumulation! I had to do my long run at the gym. It wasn't too bad, especially since I was able to put on The Australian Open. I had Andy Roddick and Mario Ancic to keep me entertained. Glad to hear your exercising is going well! Keep it up!
Bush goes ballistic about other countries being evil and dangerous, because they have weapons of mass destruction. But, he insists on building up even a more deadly supply of nuclear arms right here in the US. What do you think? What is he doing to us, and what is he doing to the world?
Our country is in debt until forever, we don't have jobs, and we live in fear. We have invaded a country and been responsible for thousands of deaths.
The more people that the government puts in jails, the safer we are told to think we are. The real terrorists are wherever they are, but they aren't living in a country with bars on the windows. We are.
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